The light that is visible in the human eye
includes a wavelength area of electro-
magnetic waves between ca. 770 nm (red)
and ca. 390 nm (violet). In this area, that is
called the light spectrum, the colours vary
dependent on a certain wavelength. This
light spectrum can be made visible when light
goes through a prism (which breaks the light
with a shorter wavelength more than the light
with a longer wavelength). Each colour of the
spectrum is a radiation of one single wave-
length (monochromatic light). So, the (white)
light that we perceive around us is a mixture
of radiation of several wavelengths, each
with an intensity of its own. And objects (that
do not radiate themselves) have their 'own' 
specific colour because they absorb the other
Indeed, one can make white light by mixing
all the colours of the spectrum with the so
called Newtonian colour disc. This is a disc
which sectors are painted with the spectral
colours in certain proportions. When this disc
is rotated quickly a white light impression is
produced. This kind of mixing colours is
called: additive colour mixing.
By adding or mixing three suitable light
colours, the so-called ground colours or
primary colours, in certain proportions any
colour one wants can be produced. The most
suitable  colours are red, green and blue.
Two colours added together that produce
white are called complementary. For
example, a yellow colour is produced by
adding red and green. Therefore the
complementary colours yellow and blue in
addition produce white.
The story is somewhat different in producing or
mixing paints or dyes or in the use of colours in
photography or in printing,  when subtractive colour
mixing is the case.  Click here for more information)
For determining a colour exactly use is made
of the so-called colour triangle. 
The colour triangle is a presentation of
colours in a plane in which the three additive
ground colours form the angular points of a
triangle. Any colour can be indicated by a
point situated in this colour triangle. The
place of this point with regard to the three
angular points determines the proportion in
which the ground colours occur in the
considered colour. (W = the white point, x =
y = 1/3; the colour points of the spectrum
colours -of the monochromatic light- lay all
along the curve 380 - 780 nm, the -straight-
line between these points is called the purple
line.) The saturation of the colours
diminishes towards the white point W.
The colour points R, G & B are the chosen
ground colours in Europe for colour
television and the very screen you're looking
at. These capitals RGB do also make sense
in most languages, for R stands for 'Red'
(rouge, rot, rood  -rho-), G for 'Green' (grun,
groen  -gamma-) and B for 'Blue' (bleu, blau,
blauw  -beta-). The colours that are used in
programming and in web design are
therefore also usually based on the
RGB-palette and 'translated' in specific
names, in a decimal code or in a so called
hex code, dependant on the programming
language used.
Click here for the colour wheel tool where
you can pick the colours of your choice and
see immediately their hex codes.
Click here for a next page with a list of
colours by their name, hex value, RGB value
and sometimes their Microsoft Access Code