We apologize that we to have to inform you that this page is currently in an updating reconstruction.


Contact B2B - P2P Rotterdam Event: postponed

Contact B2B - Eindhoven Event: 2007 (in preparation)
Agenda B2B Events - Fry-Samuels, U.K.

April Update

Fry-Samuels ContactB2B have moved to -

745 Ampress Park


Hampshire SO41 8LW UK

Business 2 Business Events 2006


B2B Exhibition London 27th - 28th June at Earls Court


For the ultimate opportunity to market your business to a footfall of 10,000 business ready visitors -  take a stand with us, get a chance to meet Sir Bob Geldof

-  take part in one of the biggest UK networking and promotional events

-  get a foot in the door with companies hungry to fill your order book

-  profiled and supported by "Management Today" - "Sunday Times" - "Evening Standard"


call now for details 08000 856 207 or email




B2B International Trade Events


B2B Breakfast China 11th April at Southampton & Fareham Chamber  

and repeated in Trowbridge for the Wessex Association of Chambers

        B2B Conference Netherlands 18th May in Rotterdam

                B2B Breakfast Dubai 11th July at Southampton & Fareham Chamber

                        B2B Conference Germany September in Leipzig

                                B2B Breakfast France 10th October Southampton & Fareham Chamber

                                        B2B Conference Cherbourg 16th November in Cherbourg


call now for details 08000 856 207 or email




B2B Media Events


             WMG Content in the Digital Age 27th April

                           WMG Show Reel Launch 24th May


call now for details 08000 856 207 or email




HR Network Breakfast Club


                   HR Breakfast Club - June 14 - Clydesdale Bank Southampton

                           HR Breakfast Club - September 13 - Clydesdale Bank Southampton

                                   HR Breakfast Club - December 13 - Clydesdale Bank Southampton


call now for details 08000 856 207 or email



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Contact B2B Limited is wholly owned by Fry-Samuels & Associates (Lymington) Limited

a Company Registered in England and Wales No 3057749
