

ten Thij, H. (2023/2024) Translation into Dutch, "Slim imkeren", Dr. G. Liebig, AMA 2024 / Uitgeverij De Zilvervos, 2024, ISBN 9789083418209 [sold out] [www.dezilvervos.eu]



ten Thij, H. (2020 [2019] – short story/report),"Imkeren in Liguriλ", Stadtlohn/Eindhoven, 2020, not published in print


ten Thij, H. (2019 – essay),"Nederlands in kosmopolitisch perspectief", Stadtlohn/Eindhoven, 2019, not published in print
2015 ten Thij, H. (2015 [2014] – short story), “After the Revolution”, in “Nu a plecat de tot…”, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Bucuresti; Printech, 2015, ISBN 978-606-23-0385-3. - Facsimile
ten Thij, H. (2015 [2014] – short story), “After the Revolution”, in “Nu a plecat de tot…”, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Bucuresti; Printech, 2015, ISBN 978-606-23-0385-3. (the English text)
2011 ten Thij, H. (2011 – conference paper), “Education in the Netherlands for people with special needs”, Conference ‘Best Practices in Adult Education of People with Special Needs’, Petrosani 2011.
Andraş, I. / Risteiu, M. / Croitoru, B. / ten Thij, H. (2011) ”Network - based Data Acquisition for Harsh Environments, Advanced Network Technics” Alba Iulia, 2011, Editura Universitas, 2011, ISBN-987-973-741-218-8 Editura Aeternitas ISBN 978-973-1890-99-9 (I. Risteiu, Mircea, II. Croitotu, Bogdan, III. Ten Thij, Herbert.
2008 ten Thij, H. (2008 - conference paper) “Promoting e-learning in SME’s, A Survey of the Use of e-Learning in SME’s in the Netherlands and Some Recommendations.” (EU Project SIMPEL - Final Conference, Brussels, 2008).
Hamburg, I./ Hall, T. ed. (2008 book & e-doc) “Strategies, Models and Guidelines to use e-learning in SME's”, especially Chapter 2. (Gelsenkirchen/Limerick, 2008) and the CD-ROM (Eindhoven, 2008).
ten Thij, H. (Project Report) “NL report on e-learning in SME's 2007” (EU Project SIMPEL Report, Eindhoven, 2007).
2007 ten Thij, H. (Project Report) “e-Learning in and for SME’s in the Netherlands and in the EU; e-learning models for SME’s” (EU Project SIMPEL National Event Report, Eindhoven, 2007)
ten Thij, H. (2008 - congress presentation) “Non-linear Imaging: Well-recorded Scientific Based Perceptions or Perceptual Interpretations in Scientific Research; a Delicate Balance in the Domain of Pixels Between Genuine Visual Representations and Scientifically Interpreted Cartoons?” [“Scattering and the trompe l’oeil problems and possibilities in imaging”] International Workshop on Nonlineair Signal and Image Processing - NSIP 2007, Bucharest 2007).
Hamburg, I./ Engert, S./ ten Thij, H. (2007 – congress paper) “SME’S, e-Learning and Communities of Practice” (8th European Conference E-COMM-LINE, Bucharest, 2007).
Hamburg, I./ Engert, S./ ten Thij, H. (2007 – congress paper) “Improving Participation and Collaboration in Business-Oriented e-Learning for SME’s” (IFAC/International Federation of Automatic Control, Seoul,2007).
ten Thij, H. / Talaba, D. (ed.) (2007 – book) “Teaching and Research Synergy in the Context of University-Industry Cooperation” (Eindhoven/Brasov, 2007, 212p.).
2006 Hamburg, I./ Cernian, O. / ten Thij, H. (2006 – workshop paper) „An attempt of merging in a synergetic way research work and higher education activities in computer engineering by an European programme project“ (EUI-Net – International Conference, Tallinn-Estonia, 2006).
2005 Hamburg, I. / ten Thij, H./ Ionescu, A. (2005 – congress paper) „Improving the quality of life and work of elderly and disabled people by using distance learning and virtual applications“ (HCI – International Conference, Las Vegas U.S.A., 2005).
2004 Risteiu, M. / Styliadis, A. / ten Thij, H. / Marc, G. (2004) ”Web - Based Object Oriented Modeling” Athens, 2005, ISBN-960-90889-2-9.
Risteiu, M. / ten Thij, H. / Marc, G. (2004) ”Internet Challenges: scalability” (Romania, AETERNITAS 2004)
2003 Hamburg, I. / Cernian, O. / ten Thij, H. (2003 – congress paper) ”Blended Learning and Distributed Learning Environments “ (University of Luzern, 2003; in German (as article) also: Institut fόr Arbeit und Technik - Gelsenkirchen, Germany 2003).
Hamburg, I. / Cernian, O. / ten Thij, H. (2003) ”Improving Blended Learning by Flexible and Distributed Learning Environments “ (University of Galati, 2003; in German also: Institut fόr Arbeit und Technik, 2003).
Hamburg, I. / Cernian, O. / ten Thij, H., ”Lernen und Kooperieren in verteilten Umgebungen: die Chance fόr die betriebliche Weiterbildung!“ Institut fόr Arbeit und Technik - Gelsenkirchen, Germany 2003.
Hamburg, I. / Lindecke, C. / ten Thij, H., ”Social aspects of e-learning and blending learning methods” (4th European Conference E-COMM-LINE, Bucharest, 2003).
Risteiu, M. / ten Thij, H. / Marc, G. (2003) ”Bazele comunicării pe Internet” (The Basics of Internet Communication), AETERNITAS, Alba Iulia - Romania 2002, ISBN-973-85902-8-0.
2000 Herbert A.C. ten Thij (2000); “Mirroring the Theory of Genetics and Evolution in Biology in a Way that Perspectives may be Revealed to Further Develop Agents Technology” - IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computing 2000, San Diego - U.S.A. 2000.
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