

   We are organising in 2007 a ContactB2B event in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
    Eindhoven is a city leading in advanced technology and situated in the heart of 
   the most industrial area in the Netherlands with an international trade outlook.

Eindhoven is situated in the south of the Netherlands. By car it's about an hour drive from Bruxelles, about one and a half hour from Amsterdam and about three and a half hours from Paris. However, it has an (international) airport as well...                             -->  click here for more information...

     [sponsors information] [registry form]

Contact B2B*   

Building relations has always been SECURIO's basic activity. So it is quite natural that SECURIO also creates the Vitamin R itself. And therefore we are associated to contactb2b events in Europe and now also in the Netherlands.

  contact b2b

The key drivers for the great success of contactb2b events are face to face business meetings, networking formally and socially, market information from experts, access to specialist partners and a knowledge and trust that the people you need to meet will be there. Indeed, the 'matchmaking service' is new in this concept and unique in this type of offering business to business events.

  Agenda 2007:
 The Eindhoven B2B
A Contact B2B event offers a high profile 
platform for businesses of all sizes to sell, demonstrate and explain their products and 

We aim to get to get people active in Europe and businesses moving into new markets, exploiting new opportunity through a network of international partners - these b2b's are not trade show events or speculative exhibitions that will cost you hands full of money - if you are ready for business than  Contact B2B events are vital for you.

business to business

click here for the registry form

services  to an appreciative and decision making audience.
Our services can include to provide immediate market access and

In the contact b2b matchmaking service we guarantee appointments for you - the only thing we will not do is close the deal for you......that is unless you want us to.

Again and again we organise great days with many pleasant opportunities for networking and doing business but also for getting info & new ideas.        
The Eindhoven B2B event in 2007,


click here

being the first ContactB2B event

information about businesses looking for partners, joint ventures, agents or resellers.
Contact B2B, a Fry-Samuels & Associates (Lymington) Ltd. company, is exclusively represented in the Netherlands by SECURIO.

in the Netherlands, is a very prestigious event connecting the most central and advanced in- dustrial & business areas in Europe.




flower leave


central hum

O Group expands, as it seems, a wide range of diverging activities. But like the
s in its logo which often might appear differently at first sight, but form
 together a coherent whole, all our activities are dealing with the one and only 
an essence: communication.

With its services SECURIO offers solutions and assistance in as well communication content production and presentation as also in the communication sending and receiving route. For all this SECURIO has developed a base of out- standing professionalism with dedicated partners.

"The secur

storage a



                         IT communication
e digital way of communication, data transmission, information exchange and
s we need it today, can be obtained via SECURIO in the highest and most 
 quality available, but against a very competitive price."

"If you need a very secure IT communication network, either wired (optical fiber or copper) or wireless (satellite) and/or via the Internet, to be checked and renewed, improved or completely new installed, the best way to proceed is to contact SECURIO." 


"Their engineering solutions are creative and adequate. Their products are well functioning and sustainable. Their services are comprehensive and very good. I recommend you SECURIO."  

and  DNet C
fers all its various Information Technology services in close cooperation with
com S.A., a holding that comprises the companies DATEK, Network Construct 
ommunication Services.
References:  rafinery campus
                                      banking networks
military LAN's 
                                      subway fare collection
metropolitan wireless
                                      national telegraphic network
After this s
today's com
time to intro
hort and initial presentation of our services regarding the advanced means of
munication, and especially in business- and industrial matters, it is now about
duce also some SECURIO services concerning communication content.

*   business to business communication

S.E.C.U.R.I.O. organises contactb2b events in the Netherlands in close cooperation with Fry-Samuels & Associates (Lymington) Ltd. 


Do you wan

to  a well qu
have  suppo
to  build up 
Are you in n
                       business communications
t advice on a strictly personal base? Do you sometimes like to talk confidently
alified person to check out your (new) ideas or developments? Would you like to
rt or a back up in your (international) negotiations? Do you need any consult
or to manage better your reputation or to improve your presentation techniques?
eed of any delicate diplomacy services? Than just call SECURIO.

SECURIO is affiliated with I.E.R. - International Excellence Reserve and so we can also offer communication services as:

                      * Personal Counseling
                      * Diplomacy and International Communications consultancy
                      * International Negotiations consultancy
                      * Coaching, Strategic Policy Making and Tactics Design
                      * Reputation Management and Public Relations consultancy
                      * Internet Communication evaluation & consultancy
                      * Excellence Units (Discussions and dialogue with experts
                                                 and scientists in any field of interest)
                      * European Commission projects developing

'A Thing without Beauty is a Sadness forever' could be the postmodern thought after the famous first line of a well known poem. We, however, take it as the nucleus of our aesthetical policy and so all our publications whatsoever are either reviewed or already immediately designed or made by our AI. Some say it means Artificial Intelligence, but since our Artist In-house has declared that this is a pleonasm since intelligence is already arti-


ficial we consider it than the right designating acronym. SECURIO's partner Tod O' Dot Productions procures anything in artistic CAD with regard to communication by vision and sound (multimedia content): texts, simulacra (graphics), music, movies and web sites. All SECURIO services in these domains are inclusively under the T-O-D imprint.

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